属类:时事政治-Health Report 健康报道-2020年美国人预期寿命大幅下降
属类:时事政治-Health Report 健康报道-报告称美国幸福指数下降
属类:时事政治-Health Report 健康报道-你睡眠充足吗?
属类:时事政治-Health Report 健康报道-生病时还要不要继续锻炼?
1 | 我们有一批老同志健在,包括军队,也有一批各个时期参加革命的骨干还在 | We have a number of veteran comrades, including some in the army, who are still in good health , and a number of other leading cadres who joined the revolutionary ranks in different periods. | |
2 | 我身体良好,而且我的所有设备运转正常。 | I was in good health and all of my equipment was working well. | |
3 | 我希望你身体健康。 | I trust (that)you are in good health . | |
4 | 我希望您身体很健康。 | You’re quite in good health , I trust. | |
5 | 洗冷水浴使我保持身体健康。 | Cold bath keeps me in good health . | |
6 | 运动使他健康。 | The sports keep him in good health . | |
7 | 珍妮病了--她的健康状况不好。 | Jean is ill--she is not in good health . | |
8 | 祝你生日健康愉快,愿你平日也不例外。 | May you keep in good health and good cheer, not only just on your birthday but all through the year. | |
9 | 祝你生日健康愉快,祝你天天健康愉快,愿你一切愿望都能实现。 | May you keep in good health and good spirit both on your birthday and all through the year. Hope your birthday is happy and your wishes all come true. | |
10 | 自然就是一个大背景,上演喜剧或悲剧一样适宜。在身心爽朗的日子,空气就如同一杯醇美得令人难以置信的甜酒。 | Nature is a setting that fits equally well a comic or a mourning piece. In good health , the air is a cordial of incredible virtue. | |
11 | 祖父八十多岁了,身体依然健康。 | Grandpa is over eighty years old, But he is still in good health . | |
12 | 2020年有几大问题影响到了美国黑人和西班牙裔美国人,使得新冠肺炎成为其面临的一项巨大风险。专家表示,其中包括缺乏良好的医疗保健,生活条件更拥挤。专家还表示,这些群体在低薪工作中所占的份额更大,这需要他们在大流行期间照常工作。 | Several problems affected Black and Hispanic people in 2020 that made COVID-19 a greater risk. Experts said these included a lack of good health care and more crowded living conditions. Experts also said that these groups held a greater share of lower-paying jobs that required them to keep working as usual during the pandemic. | |
13 | 该协会还建议13岁至18岁之间的青少年每晚保持8到10小时的睡眠,以促进良好的健康和幸福。 | The AASM also recommends that teens between the ages of 13 and 18 routinely get eight to 10 hours of sleep a night to promote good health and well being. | |
14 | 根据皮尤机构的调查,金钱是驱动幸福的一大因素,但是并非最重要的因素。大多数被调查到的人认为身体健康、孩子的优质教育以及远离犯罪活动比财富更为重要。 | Money was a big factor driving happiness, but it was not the most important according to the Pew organization. The majority of those asked thought good health, quality education for their children and safety from crime were more important than wealth. | |
15 | 梅奥诊所的专家表示,为了维持身体健康,成年人需要睡七到八个小时,青少年需要睡九到十个小时,而学龄儿童一晚上可能需要超过10个小时的睡眠。 | To stay in good health , experts at the Mayo Clinic say that adults should get seven to eight hours of sleep. Teenagers need nine to 10 hours. And school-aged children may need more than 10 hours of sleep a night. | |
16 | 运动有助于保持身体健康。美国心脏协会的医生建议人们每周至少进行150分钟中等强度的体育锻炼。 | Exercise helps to keep us in good health . Doctors at the American Heart Association suggest getting at least 150 minutes of moderate physical activity every week. | |
17 | “老人家身体不错,但在他这个岁数,什么情况都有可能发生,”香港一位富豪的继承人说道。 | "The old man is in good health , but at his age anything can happen, " says a heir to one of the region’s great fortunes. | |
18 | 3、抵抗力下降:健康养生 | 3, decreased resistance: health keeping in good health | |
19 | Avalos穿的T恤衫上签满了祝福的话语,而他看上去身体状况也不错,能够自己行走而且还在微笑。 | Mr Avalos wore a T-shirt signed with goodwill messages and looked in good health , walking unaided and smiling. | |
20 | Mitgang说,他在1977年的新年里遇到小说家时,「他看上去年纪很大,但身体很健康。」 | Mitgang says that when he met the novelist in the new year of 1977, "he seemed to be old, but in good health " . | |
21 | 阿萨德身体不好,想在去世前重新得到戈兰高地,但他确实需要谨慎。 | Assad was not in good health and wanted to regain the Golan before he died, but he had to be careful. | |
22 | 巴菲特却仍然表明他没有退休的打算,他说他热爱他的工作,会保持良好的健康状态。 | Buffett, however, has indicated that he has no plans to retire, and he says he loves his work and remains in good health . | |
23 | 巴塞罗那动物园的饲养员说苏西现在的健康状况良好不过她的居住环境确实还不够理想。 | Keepers at Barcelona zoo have said Susi is in good health but admitted that her living conditions were not ideal. | |
24 | 采用奇特岩石制作养生合成石的研究 | Study on the Preparation of Synthetic Stones for Keeping in Good Health by Grotesque Rocks | |
25 | 橙汁保持健康垃圾食品健康为了健康 | orange juice keep healthy unhealthy food in good health to be healthy | |
26 | 传统体育养生文化是中国传统文化的组成部分。 | The traditional sports keeping in good health culture is the China traditional culture constituent. | |
27 | 的确,许多公司在经济低迷期间通过裁员削减了成本,目前健康状况良好。它们如今即将受益。 | True, many companies are in good health , having cut costs through lay-offs during the downturn. They are poised to benefit now. | |
28 | 多久一次几乎不曾至于饮食习惯当然和…一样保持健康紧张的此时躺下? | How often Hardly ever As for Eating habits Of course The same as Keep in good health Stressed out At the moment Lie down ? | |
29 | 厄瓜多尔南部Vilcambamba地区宣称,当地有大批健康地度过一百岁生日的老人。 | The Vilcambamba region of southern Ecuador, claims to have large numbers of people reaching their 100th birthday in good health . | |
30 | 格竺的身体好,我确信?。 | Gert is in good health , I trust? |